Ra’eyyat Omar Ibn Abi Rabia’ah Pragmatism approach


  • Zainab Ezzat Al-Saadi April 9 University of Tunis




Pragmatics, discourse, Omar bin Abi Rabia


Pragmatics, as a critical field, includes, in addition to the text, its creator and its recipients, as well as its environment and time. Thus, it serves as a comprehensive framework encompassing these elements. This research focuses on studying the famous vision of Umar ibn Abi Rabi'ah within the framework of pragmatics, in an attempt to uncover the text's indications and delve into its depths through analysis according to the descriptive-analytical method and within the contexts that the concept of contextual pragmatics.

Objectives of the study: Analysis of Omar bin Abi Rabi’ah’s opinion based on a ruling on pragmatics, hukmiyyat al-hukm, and ruling

Methodology: This research came in two sections: The first: The general foundational frameworks for pragmatics and speech acts. The user: The contextual membership in the vision of Omar bin Abi Rabia. The results of this research were as follows:

Results: 1. Omar bin Abi Rabia’s narrator carries semantic dimensions that cannot be understood outside the pragmatic understanding that includes the elements of the discourse.

2. Through pragmatic analysis of texts, It is possible to reveal the text’s references, metaphors, and ambiguities.

Conclusion: The research focused on understanding the opinion of Omar bin Abi Rabia in the context of pragmatics and the theory of speech acts, and concluded with a number of results and recommendations.

Author Biography

Zainab Ezzat Al-Saadi, April 9 University of Tunis

PhD student


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How to Cite

Al-Saadi, Z. E. (2024). Ra’eyyat Omar Ibn Abi Rabia’ah Pragmatism approach. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 6(65). https://doi.org/10.33977/0507-000-065-010

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