Psychometric Efficacy of the Social support Scale among Families Forced to Demolish their Homes in the City of Jerusalem
Jerusalem Governorate, Social Support Scale, Psychometric Properties, House DemolitionHouse DemolitionAbstract
Objectives: The study aimed to prepare a measure of social support among families forced to demolish their homes in the city of Jerusalem. The sample consisted of 120 members of families forced to demolish their homes, male and female.
Methods: The study also relied on the descriptive approach, and the scale consists of 29 statements distributed over five dimensions which include Social relationships and consists of 9 phrases. Legal supportconsists of 4 phrases. Health supportconsists of 6 phrases. Financial supportconsists of 5 phrases. Emotional support consists of 5 phrases. The psychometric properties of the scale have been verified.
Results: The psychometric properties of the scale were verified, as the results of internal consistency showed that all items of the scale were significant at the level of .01, and by calculating the correlation between the sub-dimensions and the total score, the dimensions were consistent with the scale, with correlation coefficients ranging from .77 - .83, as were indicators of validity. The structure is good, as the value of χ2 for the model = 618.23, with degrees of freedom = 293, which is statistically significant at the level of .01. As for reliability, it showed a reliability coefficient using the Cronbach’s alpha method. All reliability coefficients were high, which reached .90 for the scale as a whole. Thus, the tool used is characterized by validity and stability and can be used scientifically.
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