The Zionist Youth of the Hills Gangs and Their Role in Controlling Palestinian Lands: (Khallet Hassan Lands in Beddya as a Case Study)


  • Jamal Mohammmad Ibrahim Al-Quds Open University



Hill Youth Gangs, Zionism, assaults, Khallet Hassan, settlements, Palestinian Lands


The study discusses the assults of the Hilltop Youth gangs on Palestinians in the hills and mountains of the West Bank, using Khirbet Hassan in Biddya as a case study. The study will introduce the area, the Hilltop Youth gangs, their origins, goals, supporters, and their clashes with landowners. The study highlights the methods used by these gangs to uproot landowners from their lands in Khirbet Hassan. It also discusses the personal tactics and strategies used by farmers and landowners to defend against and monitor attacks by these armed gangs on them and their lands.

Objectives: The study aims to highlight the role of the Zionist Hilltop Youth gangs in establishing settlement outposts in the hills and mountain tops of the West Bank, and their attacks on Palestinian lands, taking the lands of Khirbet Hassan in Biddya as a model.

Methodology: The study utilized a combination of historical oral documentation, analytical methods, and qualitative approaches to demonstrate the daily suffering experienced by the agricultural landowners in Khirbet Hassan.

Results: The study showed the brutality of these gangs, supported by the Israeli occupation, in bulldozing Palestinian farmers' lands, uprooting their planted trees, vandalizing retaining walls, and preventing them from accessing their lands.

Conclusion: The study concluded that it is necessary for the farmers in Khirbet Hassan to cooperate and be present on their lands in groups to be able to defend the attacks of these gangs. It also concluded that it is essential for the Palestinian authority to support these landowners legally and financially and to raise their awareness.

Author Biography

Jamal Mohammmad Ibrahim, Al-Quds Open University



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How to Cite

Ibrahim, J. M. (2024). The Zionist Youth of the Hills Gangs and Their Role in Controlling Palestinian Lands: (Khallet Hassan Lands in Beddya as a Case Study). Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 6(65).

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