Reality of the Organizational Commitment Among Public School Teachers in Palestine from Their Perspective


  • Kefaya Hashem Arabas Al-Quds Open University
  • Majdi Ali Zamel Al-Quds Open University



Organizational commitment, government schools


Objective: The current study aimed to identify the reality of the organizational commitment among Public School Teachers in Palestine from their Perspective, taking into account variables such as gender, academic qualification, years of service, directorate, and educational level.

Methods: The results indicate that public school teachers in Palestine have a high level of organizational commitment, with an average score of 4.05. In addition, the interview results showed a high level of organizational commitment among public school teachers, as well as the study results showed no statistically significant differences at the significance level α<.05 in the organizational commitment scale and its domains attributable to variables such as gender, educational qualifications, years of service, academic level, and their interaction. While there were statistically significant differences at the significance level α<.05 in the overall organizational commitment, attributable to the variable of directorate, with differences in favor of Tulkarem governorate.

Conclusions: The study recommends the necessity of developing and enhancing organizational commitment among teachers and maintaining it high; by holding guidance and awareness programs in schools, including school principals and teachers, and paying attention to the psychological and human aspects that raise the level of organizational commitment among teachers.

Author Biographies

Kefaya Hashem Arabas, Al-Quds Open University

PhD student

Majdi Ali Zamel, Al-Quds Open University



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How to Cite

Arabas, K. H., & Zamel, M. A. (2025). Reality of the Organizational Commitment Among Public School Teachers in Palestine from Their Perspective. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 7(66).

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