The Role of Mamluks in the Conflict between the Ayyubids on Ruling (637- 589AH/ 1193- 1239AD)


  • د. جلال حسني سلامة


Mamluks, the slaves, Al- Ayyubid, conflict, the Ayuby home, reign


The aim of this study is to discuss the factors and reasons that enabled

Mamluks, the slaves whom had been bought and brought form various regions

of the World (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, China and other

countries) unified despite their different languages and nationalities to unite

and to be in high positions, then to participate in decision making and finally

to seize power.

The political achievements of the AL- Ayyubid in Egypt and Great Syria

were crowned by their military achievement in defeating the Crusades in

Heteen Battle in 583/ 1187 which astonished the Europeans. But disputes

occurred after the death of Sultan Salah Al- Deen Al- Ayyubid when the

Al- Ayyubid started fighting each other and they allowed for the Mamaleek

to interfere in solving their problems. Al- Mamluks found a chance to plot

against the Ayuby home especially during the conflict between Salah Al-

Deen’s sons and their grandson of Al- Malek Al- Adel. Conspiracies made

them reach the power, appointing whoever they want and intriguing against

who opposed them. This high position in the power was demonstrated by what

happened between the two brothers, Al- Saleh Najm Al- Deen Ayob and Al-

Adel Al- Thany, which is led ultimately to Mamluks’ reigned after vanishing

the Ayuby state.



How to Cite

سلامة د. ج. ح. (2017). The Role of Mamluks in the Conflict between the Ayyubids on Ruling (637- 589AH/ 1193- 1239AD). Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 2(38). Retrieved from

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