Means of Disseminating Children’s Literature : A Historical Analytical Study


  • د. نادي الديك


Means of Disseminating, Children’s Literature, A Historical Analytical Study


Nevertheless, this literature cannot function effectively unless it has the

best means and methods to reach is audience, particularly , due to the fact

that nothing can be properly valued till it reaches the targeted destinations

and be appreciated . Thus, this research has been intended to provide us

with the popular methods to spread children literature whether they are

primitive or highly sophisticated.

Accordingly, this research deals nearly with all the common means and

methods to develop research in this field for the benefit of its targeted


Hence, this study has shed light on various means such as playing, singing,

tape recorder, television and computer ,etc.



How to Cite

الديك د. ن. (2017). Means of Disseminating Children’s Literature : A Historical Analytical Study. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, (7). Retrieved from

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