Standards of Selecting a Life Partner as Perceived by Yarmouk University Students Abstract:


  • د. حنان إبراهيم الشقران
  • د. رامي طشطوش
  • د. فواز أيوب المومني
  • د. منار بني مصطفى


Life Partner, Yarmouk University students


This study aimed to investigate the standards of selecting a life partner
from the Perspective of Yarmouk University students. To achieve the aims of
the study, the researchers developed a questionnaire consisted of (25) items,
distributed on five standards. The sample of the study consisted of (474) students
were randomly selected from the population of the study and according to
variables of sex and specialization. The results showed that the psychological
standard came in the first rank with the highest arithmetic average, followed by
social- cultural standard, while the economic standard came last. The results
showed a difference in the order of the standards of selecting a life partner
at Yarmouk University students according to difference of gender variables,
but there was no difference in the order of the standards of selecting a life
partner at Yarmouk University students according to difference of academic
specialization variable. The study provided a number of recommendations
such as providing counseling programs about the standards of selecting a life
partner for individuals who will marry, and studying the impact of social and
economic factors in selecting the life partner.



How to Cite

الشقران د. ح. إ., طشطوش د. ر., المومني د. ف. أ., & بني مصطفى د. م. (2017). Standards of Selecting a Life Partner as Perceived by Yarmouk University Students Abstract:. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 1(35). Retrieved from

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