The Symbolic Importance of the Hexagram star


  • د. عدنان أحمد أبو دية


symbolic values, hexagram star, ruins, engravings


This research paper deals with history of hexagram star and its

appearance on the artifacts of many civilizations. The author tried to illustrate

the aims, the meanings and the purposes of that symbol. The paper tries to

see the ideological or political relation between the Jews and the hexagram

star in ancient and Islamic civilizations. On the other hand, the paper reveals

the historical circumstances by which the hexagram star became a national

symbol for the Jews in the world.



How to Cite

أبو دية د. ع. أ. (2017). The Symbolic Importance of the Hexagram star. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 1(31). Retrieved from

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