The Impact of Using Cooperative Teaching Method in Science on the Academic Achievement, and learning Retention and Motivation among Sixth Graders at the Schools in Jerusalem


  • د. عفيف زيدان
  • أ. صابرين جفال


Cooperative Teaching Method, Science, Academic Achievement, learning Retention, learning Motivation, Sixth Graders, Schools, Jerusalem


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of cooperative

teaching in science on achievement, retention and motivation of the sixth

grade students in Jerusalem schools in the academic year 2004/2005. The

experimental method was used in this study. The study population consisted

of all students in the 6th grade (n=1144).

To test the hypotheses of this study ,a sample of two schools was selected

randomly (male, female). Two sections were selected from each school .The

first section was experimental which works with cooperative teaching ,and

the seconed was cotrolled which is taught traditionally, the sample of this

study consisted of (118) males and females. The acadimec motivation scale

was used to measure the motivation and an achievement exam was used to

measure students achievement and retention. The two- way Anova was used

at (α=0.05).

The results of the study have shown the following:

1. There were statistically significant differences in the achivement and in

the retention to the benefit of the method of cooperative teaching and in

the gender for the benefit of females.

2. There were no statistically significant differences in the motivation scale

due to teaching method, and statistically significant differences in the

motivation scale due to gender for the benefit of females.



How to Cite

زيدان د. ع., & جفال أ. ص. (2017). The Impact of Using Cooperative Teaching Method in Science on the Academic Achievement, and learning Retention and Motivation among Sixth Graders at the Schools in Jerusalem. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, (12). Retrieved from

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