Road Network in Hebron District: Applied Geographical Study


  • د. أحمد عبد القادر اغريب


Road Network, Hebron District, Applied Geographical Study


This study aims to determine the factors affecting roads and analyses

road net properties in Hebron district using the curve indicator, connection

degree, density, and spread degree. To achieve this objective, connection

degree formulas, curve indicator, ETA Indictor, Beta first indicator were

applied. Moreover, the study examined the sufficiency and efficiency of the

road net.

Data Analysis showed that 80% of the roads were affected by the topography,

settlement size, and the local & regional political relations.

The research revealed the inefficiency of the road net (4%-75%), and the

random distribution of the housing communities. According to the road net

standard, it was clear that the road net is undeveloped and cannot be described

as integrated. As ETA indicator reached link 19.75 km, it is concluded that

the housing communities are close to each other. The value of the Beta first

indicator was 6, thus the infrastructure is insufficient and the districts are

in great need of more organization and development.



How to Cite

اغريب د. أ. ع. ا. (2017). Road Network in Hebron District: Applied Geographical Study. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, (12). Retrieved from

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