Campus Climate at the Universities in West Bank and Its Relation to Achievement Motivation among Students


  • د. محمود أحمد أبو سمرة
  • د. محمد عبد الإله الطيطي


Campus Climate, Universities, West Bank, Achievement Motivation, Students, Palestine


This study aims at identifying the common nature of a university climate in the West Bank universities and its relation to the achievement and students’ motivation. In addition, it aims at identifying the statistical differences at level (α =0.05) in each of the university climate and achievements’ motivation which can be resulted from variables like university, gender, and faculty.

The measurements were applied on a random sample which consisted of (642) third year students during the academic year (2003 -2004).

The study showed that the reality of the university climate and the achieve­ment motivation of the students have been in the middle level. Statistical significantdifferencesatlevel(0.05=α)werefoundduetouniversityclimatevariable. However, no significantstatisticaldifferenceswerefoundduetogender and faculty variables. Also, the researchers found that there is a joint relation of statistical significanceatlevel(0.05=α),betweentheuniversityclimate and the achievement motivation.



How to Cite

أبو سمرة د. م. أ., & الطيطي د. م. ع. ا. (2017). Campus Climate at the Universities in West Bank and Its Relation to Achievement Motivation among Students. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, (13). Retrieved from

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