Analyzing “English for Palestine -10” in Terms of the Characteristics of a Good English Textbook


  • Ahmed Awad Amin Mahmoud


Analysis, “English for Palestine -10”, Characteristics of a Good English Textbook, public schools, Palestine, 10th grade


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the book entitled “English for Palestine-10” which used for teaching English for the tenth graders in Public Schools in Palestine. To achieve this aim, the researcher used two criteria: a questionnaire that contains 52 items which helps to judge the suitability of a good textbook and a list that contains the characteristics of a good textbook. The two criteria are adapted from (Solicits, 1978; Cunningsworth 1984; Sheldon 1988; Skierso, 1991; Al-Makhzoumi 1992; McMillan and Schumacher 1997; Laime 1999; Ur, 1996 and Grainger, 2002).

The researcher gave the questionnaire to 50 male and female English teachers who teach the tenth graders from Nablus district. After the observa­tion and analysis of the textbook regarding the above-mentioned evaluative measures, the researcher noticed that these textbooks are suitable and could be used in private and in government schools after regarding the different suggestions and modificationstheresearcherconcluded.10



How to Cite

Mahmoud, A. A. A. (2017). Analyzing “English for Palestine -10” in Terms of the Characteristics of a Good English Textbook. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, (13). Retrieved from

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