Reasons behind Lack of Interest in Social Voluntary Work in Palestine among Youth


  • د. عماد اشتية


Reasons, Lack of Interest, Social Voluntary Work, Palestine, Youth


Despite the importance that characterizes the voluntary social work and

its role in societies’ development and empowerment of its individuals, still

there is a clear refrain from practicing it by the Palestinian society, in spite

of the abilities and capabilities that the Palestinian youth own and enjoy, and

the urgent need of the society for such efforts and capabilities.

This attitude was the drive to raise the question regarding the causes

leading for the refrain of the Palestinian youth from performing in the

voluntary social work which is the core of this study.

The six main obstacles discussed were as follows:

♦♦ Obstacles related to societal culture.

♦♦ Psychological obstacles.

♦♦ Obstacles related to voluntary work institutions.

♦♦ Personal obstacles.

♦♦ Economic obstacles.

This study adopted the analytical descriptive method. The data was

collected by using a questionnaire designed to serve the purpose. The results

were obtained, analyzed and interpreted using the statistical packages for

Social Science (SPSS) . Recommendations were provided regarding the main

causes for the refrain of youth away from voluntary social work.

The order of domains according to the degree of obstacles for voluntary

work with the Palestinian youth care included the following:

♦♦ Rank one: Obstacles related to society is culture.

♦♦ Rank two: Psychological obstacles.

♦♦ Rank three: Obstacles related to voluntary work institutions.

♦♦ Rank four: Personal obstacles.

♦♦ Rank five: Religious obstacles.

♦♦ Rank six: Economic obstacles.

The results related to the hypothesis of the study indicated that there were

no significant statistical differences at the level of the significance (a ≤ 0. 05)

in the degree of voluntary work obstacles for the youth in social institutions

in governorates of Nablus and Tulkarem according to each of the variables of

sex, place of residence, age, work status and social status variables.



How to Cite

اشتية د. ع. (2017). Reasons behind Lack of Interest in Social Voluntary Work in Palestine among Youth. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 1(29). Retrieved from

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