The creative process and the art of poetry


  • أ. د. كمال أحمد غنيم


process, creative, art, poetry



Research examines the nature of artistic creation, and shows what the

creator and the sources of creativity and goals, and interpretations of the

creative process with the ancient and modern poets, led by contemporaries.

The research examines the stages of the creative process, and the integration

of the elements of artistic creativity.

The research highlights that the creative process is based on the

interaction between the two components of genetic element and the element of

the environment and acquisition. And that the creator is the one who has the

ability to recognize the missing links between things , explore relationships,

then dismantled and re- formulated ties her new relationship closer Bnvsih

and the way in addressing the outstanding issues.

It shows that most of the scholars and critics, ancient and modern , have

said downshift when the innate creative , even those who wiped out the role

of the conscious mind in the creative process inspiring man made human by

nature distinct from the others in its ability to receive inspiration.

Research shows that the integrated form of the poem , whoever becomes

the last stand- alone carries the ideas of the poet , which blended his

experience of poetry , and images that become linked to new relationships in

itself , and the language , style and music , which does not have the will of the

poet determine its kind.




How to Cite

غنيم أ. د. ك. أ. (2017). The creative process and the art of poetry. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 2(33). Retrieved from

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