Arabic Language between Originality and Challenges


  • د. فيصل غوادرة


Arabic language, originality, challenges.



The objective of this research is to demonstrate the authenticity of the

Arabic language, and its persistence – by the blessing of the Holy Quranthrough

the historical and humanitarian depth of languages, and how Arabic

maintained a presence despite erosion- hit factors since the dawn of history,

(slang and dialects, and non- Arab tongues) . Arabic persisted even after the

sweeping of modern civilization and inventions, the diversity of languages

and the appearance of globalization, Arabic persisted, aided, by factors of

strength and stability, which make it able to deal with developments in the

conflict, and the diversity of challenges.

This is what we will try to restate through this research- God willing.




How to Cite

غوادرة د. ف. (2017). Arabic Language between Originality and Challenges. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 2(33). Retrieved from

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