A Societal Peace Education from the Viewpoint of Principals of the Galilee Schools: Obstacles and Ways to Promote


  • عزيز سمعان دعيم| Aziz Seman Daeem درست الدكتوراة في جامعة اليرموك، اربد، الأردن. مدير مدرسة مار يوحنا، حيفا.




School Administration, Societal Peace, Obstacles, Enhancement, Spreading Peace Education, Galilee.


The current study aimed to reveal the obstacles in spreading social peace education and identifying the factors that enhance it from the principals' point of view in the Galilee schools. The study sample consisted of 188 individuals out of a total study population of 267 principals. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, an interview tool was developed comprising two open questions, one for the obstacles and another for enhancement.

 The study results showed that seven obstacles obstructed the process of spreading peace in the Galilee schools, and the most important are the following: Circumstances related to parents and the different patterns of education between home and school (moderate degree of importance), fragile relationships, partner conflicts, and personal interests (moderate degree). The study results also revealed six factors that enhance spreading a peace education that existed in the community. The first three are in a moderate level of importance while the rest are in a low degree of importance according to the following descending order: Raising the level of networking and investing in the internal relationship within and outside the school frame, raising the level of societal awareness to the importance of societal peace education. In addition, activating and initiating various programs and activities that are connected to peace education. The study was concluded with a set of recommendations; the most important was the necessity of developing the relationship between school and home through a variety of workshops and mutual activities in addition to establishing courses for parents by specialists, working on deepening networking relationships and societal activities and increasing the societal awareness to the importance of societal peace education.

Author Biography

عزيز سمعان دعيم| Aziz Seman Daeem, درست الدكتوراة في جامعة اليرموك، اربد، الأردن. مدير مدرسة مار يوحنا، حيفا.

دكتوراة في الادارة التربوية

متخصص في مجال البحث بثقافة السلم المجتمعيّ

مدير مدرسة


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How to Cite

Aziz Seman Daeem ع. س. د. (2021). A Societal Peace Education from the Viewpoint of Principals of the Galilee Schools: Obstacles and Ways to Promote. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(33). https://doi.org/10.33977/1182-012-033-013

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