The Degree of the Contributions of the Training Program of 1-4th Grade In-Service Teachers to Their Professional Development


  • مجدي علي زامل| Majdi Ali Zamel Al-Quds Open University, Palestine



Contributions, Training Program, 1-4th Grade Teachers, Professional Development.


The study aimed at exploring the degree of the contributions of the training program of 1-4th grade in-service teachers to their professional development. Furthermore, it aimed to identify the differences between the teachers’ responses according to their gender, governorate, educational qualification, and years of experience. To answer the study questions, a mixed approach that incorporated qualitative and quantitative methods was used through a questionnaire which was administered on a sample consisting of 109 male and female teachers. On the other hand, the qualitative part relied on a semi-structured interview conducted among 21 male and female teachers. The study results showed that the total score of 1-4th teachers’ evaluation of the training program was high at 3.92. The results also revealed no statistically significant differences in teachers’ average scores towards the program’s contributions due to gender, governorate, educational qualification, and years of experience. Moreover, the results indicated an impact of the training program on teachers’ professional development in terms of providing them with knowledge, skills, values, educational practices, and positive attitudes towards the educational issues emphasized by the training program.

Author Biography

مجدي علي زامل| Majdi Ali Zamel, Al-Quds Open University, Palestine


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How to Cite

Majdi Ali Zamel م. ع. ز. (2021). The Degree of the Contributions of the Training Program of 1-4th Grade In-Service Teachers to Their Professional Development. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(33).

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