The Practice of Secondary School Principals on Impression Management and Its Relationship to Teachers’ Organizational Identity at the Hebron Southern Directorate of Education


  • Kamal Kahlil Makhamreh Hebron University



Impression management, organizational identity, Directorate of Education/South Hebron


This study aimed to identify the degree of public secondary school principals’ practice of impression management and its relationship to the teachers’ organizational identity. It also aimed at testing the effect of each of the variables of gender, academic qualification, and years of experience on the degree of the practice of impression management and the level of organizational identity among teachers. The population of the study consisted of all secondary school teachers with a total of 722 in the Hebron Directorate of Education. The study was conducted on a stratified random sample of 361 teachers, forming 50% of the population of the study. The researcher Developed the impression management questionnaire and the organizational identity questionnaire. The study showed the following results: The degree of practicing impression management and the level of the organizational identity both came with high degrees with a positive statistically significant correlation between the practice of impression management and the level of organizational identity. Results also showed no statistically significant differences in the estimates of the subjects of the sample for the degree of impression management practice and the level of organizational identity attributed to the variables of gender, qualification, and years of experience.



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How to Cite

Makhamreh, . K. K. . (2022). The Practice of Secondary School Principals on Impression Management and Its Relationship to Teachers’ Organizational Identity at the Hebron Southern Directorate of Education. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 13(38).

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