The Effectiveness of Scientific Analogies Strategy in Developing Health Awareness of Corona Virus and Reflective Thinking in Science Subject Among 9th Grade Female Students in Khan Yunis Governorate


  • Yahya M. Abu Jahjouh Al-Aqsa University - Palestine
  • Linda H. Abu Jame Al-Aqsa school/ Palestine



Scientific Analogies, health awareness, reflective thinking


This study aims at studying the effectiveness of faith similes strategy in developing health awareness of COVID - 19 virus and reflective thinking among 9th grade female students in Khan Yunis. The researchers follow the experimental approach and apply the two - group design with pre and post - applications. The study sample consists of 37 female students of 9th grade from two schools in Khan Yunis for the year 2020 - 2021. Moreover, the sample consists of two groups: The experimental group, which includes 15 female students from Fatima al Zahra Model School for Girls to study the strategy of Scientific Analogies and the control group, which includes 22 female students from Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al - Thani Secondary School for Girls to study the regular teaching strategy. The test entails 38 multiple choices distributed into six areas: Visual reading, detecting fallacies, the main cause of the problem, giving convincing explanations, reaching conclusions, and providing suggested solutions. The researchers designed a health awareness test, which includes 21 questions divided into three areas: Recognition of the virus, its accompanying symptoms, and methods of prevention. Furthermore, the researchers develop a teacher guide on employing faith similes and verify its validity, stability, and distinction using appropriate procedures. Finally, the results prove the effectiveness of faith similes strategy in developing health awareness of COVID - 19 virus and reflective thinking among 9th grade female students.


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How to Cite

Abu Jahjouh, Y. M. ., & Abu Jame, L. H. . (2022). The Effectiveness of Scientific Analogies Strategy in Developing Health Awareness of Corona Virus and Reflective Thinking in Science Subject Among 9th Grade Female Students in Khan Yunis Governorate . Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 13(38).

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