Academic Passion and Its Relationship to Spiritual Intelligence Among Tenth Grade Students in Jordan


  • Tmara qasim husban Researcher\ Ministry of Education\ Jorden
  • Omar Atallah Al-Adamat Researcher\ Ministry of Education\ Jorden



Academic passion, spiritual intelligence, tenth, grade students


The present study aims to identify the level of academic passion and spiritual intelligence by considering the variables of gender and academic achievement and revealing the relationship between them. The study sample consists of 318 male and female students from tenth grade in Mafraq District/ Jordan, where the Academic Passion Scale and the Spiritual Intelligence Scale are applied. The results show that the level of harmonious passion and spiritual intelligence are high in the study sample, whereas the level of compulsive passion is medium. There are no statistically significant differences in the level of harmonious passion due to the variable of gender. Moreover, there are statistically significant differences in the level of compulsive passion due to the gender variable in favor of males, and statistically significant differences in the level of harmonious passion due to the variable of academic achievement in favor of the passable rating, very good and excellent. There are no statistically significant differences in the level of compulsive passion due to the variable of academic achievement. The result of the study shows no statistically significant differences in the level of spiritual intelligence due to the variable of gender. In addition, there are statistically significant differences in the level of the spiritual intelligence due to the variable of academic achievement in favor of passable rating. Moreover, there is a positive relationship between the dimension of harmonious passion and the level of spiritual intelligence in all its dimensions whereas there is no positive relationship between the dimension of compulsive passion and the two dimensions of critical existential thinking and the production of personal meaning.


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How to Cite

husban, T. qasim, & Al-Adamat, O. A. (2022). Academic Passion and Its Relationship to Spiritual Intelligence Among Tenth Grade Students in Jordan. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 13(38).

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