The Effectiveness of a Group Counseling Program Based on Goleman Theory in Enhancing Emotional Intelligence and Reducing Hostility Among Bullying Students


  • Ahmad Mohammad Gazo The Hashemite University
  • Maha Khaled Al-Maazi The Hashemite University



Group counseling, Goleman theory, emotional intelligence, hostility, bullying students


Objectives: The study aims at exploring the effectiveness of group counseling based on Goleman theory of development of emotional intelligence and reducing hostility in female bullied students.

Methods: To achieve the study goals, bullying scale, hostility scale, and emotional intelligence scale were used. The study was carried out on the sample of female students (N=30) from the eight, nine, and tenth grade.

Results: The findings of the study can be summarized as follows, There are statically significant differences in the pre- and post-measurement of emotional intelligence scale on total score and Sub-dimensions except (The Emotions managing) dimension. There are statically significant differences at α=0.05 level in the pre and postmeasurement of Hostility Scale on total score and sub-dimensions among the experimental and control groups in favor of the experimental group. There are statically significant differences at α=.05 level between the two applications and the follow up on total score and the sub-dimensions of the emotional intelligence scale of control group.There are no statically significant differences at α=0.05 level between the two applications and the follow up on total score of hostility score and its sub-dimensions indirect aggression and resentment.There are statistical differences at α=0.05 on the following  three dimensions of aggressions, agitation and suspicion, which indicates the effectiveness of group counseling based on Goleman theory of development of emotional intelligence and reducing hostility of bullied students.

Conclusions: The study recommended the need to work on educating families, through counselors, about the importance of their children’s emotional intelligence in their future lives. . 

Author Biographies

Ahmad Mohammad Gazo, The Hashemite University

Associate Professor

Maha Khaled Al-Maazi, The Hashemite University

PhD student


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How to Cite

Gazo, A. M., & Al-Maazi, M. K. (2024). The Effectiveness of a Group Counseling Program Based on Goleman Theory in Enhancing Emotional Intelligence and Reducing Hostility Among Bullying Students. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 15(44).

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