Fear of Negative Evaluation as a Predictor of Cognitive Biases for Post-Graduate Students


  • Najwa Ali Bahlool جامعة الأقصى
  • Najah Awad Elsimiri


fear of Negative Evaluation, Cognitive Biases, Post-Graduate Students


     The study aimed to identify the relationship between fear of negative evaluation and cognitive biases, as well as to detect the extent of predicting of fear of negative evaluation for post-graduate students with cognitive biases. The study sample consisted of (200) male and female, post-graduate students in Al-Aqsa University in Gaza Strip, the researchers followed the descriptive analytical correlative predictive method, and used FNE-II (Leary, 1983) and cognitive biases scale prepared by (Al-Adeeli, 2017),the results showed that: There was statistically positive correlation between fear of negative evaluation and cognitive biases among post-graduate students at (0.01≥α) level, the possibility of predicting cognitive biases for post graduate students through their fear of negative evaluation, which explained (52%) of the differences that occurred in in cognitive biases

and fear of negative evaluation contributed (0.72) to predict of cognitive biases. According to the study results, recommendations were proposed, the most important: conducting awareness sessions and guided counseling programs to reduce fear of negative evaluation and to avoid cognitive biases for post-graduate students.                                                         

Author Biographies

Najwa Ali Bahlool, جامعة الأقصى

PHD. Student \Al-Aqsa University\Palestine

Najah Awad Elsimiri

Associate professor\Al-Aqsa University\Palestine                                   


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How to Cite

Bahlool, N. A., & Elsimiri, N. A. (2022). Fear of Negative Evaluation as a Predictor of Cognitive Biases for Post-Graduate Students. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 13(40). Retrieved from https://journals.qou.edu/index.php/nafsia/article/view/4234

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