The rate of inflation in the results of the general secondary examination in Jordan during 2015-2020


  • HAIDAR IBRAHIM ZAZA الجامعة الاردنية


grade inflation, high school exam, tawjihi.


This study explores the rate of inflation and deflation in the results of 243,975 male and female students in the general secondary examination in Jordan during 2015-2020. The results showed an increase in the general index number during 2016 -2020, and it peaked in 2019 recording an increase of 25.6 points compared to 2015. It was also shown that the index number of average 90-100 contracted during 2016-2017, and increased during 2018-2019, recording the highest rise by 192.3 points in 2020, as well as the index number of average 80-89.9, which decreased during 2016-2020, and was offset by an increase in the index number of average 70-79.9 during 2016-2017, then decreased during 2018-2020, as well as the average 65-69.9, which increased during 2016-2019, but returned to decline in 2020, recording 34.5 points. At the level of the secondary branch, the index number for the scientific branch decreased in 2016, then increased during 2017-2020. As for the literary branch, it showed an upward trend during 2016-2020. On the other hand, the agricultural branch showed a fluctuating increase, and as for the industrial branch, it decreased during 2017-2020, as well as the informatics branch, it decreased during 2016-2020, while the health branch decreased sharply towards 2020.

Author Biography

HAIDAR IBRAHIM ZAZA, الجامعة الاردنية

Associate professor\ The University of Jordan\ Jordan


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How to Cite

ZAZA, H. I. (2022). The rate of inflation in the results of the general secondary examination in Jordan during 2015-2020. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 13(40). Retrieved from

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