The Level of Self-efficacy Among Social Studies Teachers for the Upper Basic Level in Jerash Governorate Schools
Self-efficacy, social studies teachers, upper basic levelAbstract
The aim of this study is to identify the level of self-efficacy of social studies teachers in Jerash governorate schools. For the purpose of the current study, the researcher followed the descriptive analytical approach. The sample of the study consisted of 269 female /male social studies teachers randomly selected from schools in Jerash city. In order to measure the self-efficacy level, the researcher adopted Smolleck, Zembal-Saul, Yoder, 2006 scale, which is based on social cognitive theory and Pandura’s vision. The scale was included 20 paragraphs. In general, the results showed that there is a medium level of self-efficacy among the social studies teachers. In terms of gender, the study showed that the self-efficacy level was significantly different in terms of gender, in favor of females. For the educational level, a statistical difference in the self-efficacy level appeared in favor of the teachers with bachelor’s degrees. Finally, there was a significant difference in the self-efficacy level attributed to the teaching experience, in favor of the long teaching experience. The study recommends taking into account the variables of gender, educational qualification, and experience when assigning the task of teaching social studies to teachers in the different basic stages.
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