The Reality of Ethical Leadership Among the Heads of Academic Departments at Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie from the Point of View of Faculty Members


  • Hossam Hosni Al-Qasim Palestine Technical University – khadoorie
  • Nancy Remon Fareed Rantisi AL-Quds Open University



Ethical leadership, faculty members


This study aims to identify the degree of ethical leadership pactice among the heads of academic departments at Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie from the points of view of the faculty members. The study followed the descriptive analytical approach, where a random sample of faculty members was selected comprising 100 members representing 25% of the size of the study population of 400 faculty members. The study tool was a questionnaire to collect data. The study found that the total score of the study sample for the practice of the heads of academic departments at Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie for ethical leadership, from the point of view of faculty members, obtained a relative weight 75.80%, with a high degree. The order of the questionnaire fields was done according to their relative weights, which came as follows: The field of justice among faculty members came in first place with a relative weight of 77.40% with a high degree, followed by the field of paying attention to faculty members by heads of academic departments came in second place with a relative weight of 76.20% with a high degree. However, the field of integrity among heads of academic departments came in third place with a relative weight 75.60% with a high degree. The field of guidance among heads of academic departments came in the fourth place with a relative weight 74.40% with a high score. Finally, the field of shared responsibility among heads of academic departments came in fifth place with a relative weight of 74.20% with a high score. The results showed that there were no statistically significant differences at the level of significance α ≤.05 between the averages of the sample’s estimates of the degree of ethical leadership possessed by the heads of academic departments at Palestine Technical University due to the variables of sex, faculty, and years of experience. While the results showed that there were statistically significant differences between the mean estimates of the sample members due to the scientific rank variable, and it was in favor of the assistant professor. The study recommended the need for officials in senior positions to continue practicing ethical leadership because of its positive effects on work.

Author Biographies

Hossam Hosni Al-Qasim, Palestine Technical University – khadoorie

Associate Professor

Nancy Remon Fareed Rantisi, AL-Quds Open University



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How to Cite

Al-Qasim, H. H., & Rantisi, N. R. F. (2023). The Reality of Ethical Leadership Among the Heads of Academic Departments at Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie from the Point of View of Faculty Members. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 14(42).

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