The Impact of the Training Program based on Mindfulness in Reducing the Level of Mental Fatigue among High School Teachers


  • Ekhlas Mziad Mulla Yarmouk University
  • Fisal Khalil- Al-Rabee Yarmouk University



teachers, Mindfulness, mental fatigue



The study aimed to investigate the Impact of the training program based on mindfulness in reducing mental fatigue levels among high school teachers. The study used a quasi-experimental approach with a sample of 40 high school teachers who had the highest scores on the mental fatigue scale and expressed a desire to participate in the program. Participants were randomly assigned to either an experimental group or a control group with gender equally balanced. Each group had 20 teachers, consisting of 6 males and 14 females. The experimental group received the training program, which consisted of 10 sessions held once a week, with each session lasting for 90 minutes during the first semester of the year 2022/2023.

The results showed significant differences between the experimental and control groups in the post-test on the mental fatigue scale, indicating the effectiveness of the training

program. Furthermore, the post-test results were significantly better than the pre-test results for the experimental group, suggesting the training program had a positive impact. However, there were no significant differences in mental fatigue levels between the post-test and follow-up test for the experimental group members, which indicates the program's effectiveness was sustained after an 8-week follow-up period.

Keywords: Mindfulness, mental fatigue, teachers.

Author Biographies

Ekhlas Mziad Mulla, Yarmouk University

PhD student

Fisal Khalil- Al-Rabee, Yarmouk University



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How to Cite

Mulla, E. M., & Al-Rabee, F. K.-. (2023). The Impact of the Training Program based on Mindfulness in Reducing the Level of Mental Fatigue among High School Teachers. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 14(43).

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