Psychological Wellness and its Relationship to Mindfulness among Female Members of the Security Services in Palestine


  • Mona Abdel Qader Belbeisi Al-Quds Open University
  • Wafa Hussein Abu Hamid Ministry of Interior



Psychological wellness, mindfulness, female members of the security services


 The study sample consisted of 329 female students, who were selected using the accessible sample method, and the psychological wellness scale and the   Mindfulness scale were used as study tools and enjoyed high stability values, reaching respectively 0.81, .860, and one of the most important findings of the study was a high level of psychological wellness as well as the level of   mindfulness among the female members of the security services in Palestine from their point of view,  and that there is a direct positive correlation between the variables of psychological wellness and   mindfulness. Where the value of the Pearson correlation coefficient was 0.715, and the results indicated that there is a statistically significant effect of psychological wellness on   mindfulness; Where the value of the explained variance was 2R 0.511, and there were differences between the arithmetic means of the psychological wellness scale due to the age variable in favor of each of the age groups 20-30 years and 31-40 years. And the variable of marital status in favor of single and married, and the educational level variable in favor of those who hold Bachelor’s, Master’s and higher degrees.

One of the recommendations of the study was the need for security institutions to provide psychological support programs for female members over 40 years of age, and to provide them with positive working conditions.

Author Biographies

Mona Abdel Qader Belbeisi , Al-Quds Open University

Assistant Professor

Wafa Hussein Abu Hamid, Ministry of Interior



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How to Cite

Belbeisi , M. A. Q., & Abu Hamid, W. H. (2023). Psychological Wellness and its Relationship to Mindfulness among Female Members of the Security Services in Palestine. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 14(43).

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