Psychological Stress in Adolescence and its Relation to Internal Motivation Among High-School Students Studying at Schools in Taybe (Al-Mothalath) and the Neighboring Villages


  • Aghlam Yosef Awad American Arab University



Psychological stress, internal motivation, secondary school


Objectives: The study aims to reveal the level of psychological stress in adolescence and its relation with internal motivation among twelfth grade secondary school students in in the city of Taybeh Almothalathschools. The study reveals the nature of the differences in the level of psychological pressure and internal motivation according to the variables of gender and specialization.

Methods: The study uses the descriptive correlational approach by applying the psychological stress and internal motivation scales to a sample of 450 male and female students.

Results: The results show that the level of psychological stress among the twelfth-grade secondary school students is moderate with an average of 2.43, while the level of internal motivation of the students is high with an average of 4.19. The results also show that there are no statistically significant differences at the level of α≥.05 between the averages of psychological stress and internal motivation according to gender or specialization.

Conclusions: The study recommends several recommendations, the most important of which include holding courses and training programs for students in governmental and non-governmental schools to develop their competence and skills on an ongoing basis, and for the relevant competent authorities in the Ministry of Education to investigate the reality and causes of the increase in psychological stress among twelfth grade students’ high school.

Author Biography

Aghlam Yosef Awad, American Arab University

PhD student


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How to Cite

Awad, A. Y. (2023). Psychological Stress in Adolescence and its Relation to Internal Motivation Among High-School Students Studying at Schools in Taybe (Al-Mothalath) and the Neighboring Villages. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 14(43).

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