The reality of administrative creativity among public school principals in the city of Hebron


  • Majdoleen Mazen Abu Sharkh Arab American University



administrative creativity, school principals, Hebron city


Administrative creativity is the production of original and rare ideas and proposals, while amending the internal and external systems of the school, and following a modern and original style of thinking that is achievable.

Objectives: The study aimed to know the reality of administrative creativity among public school principals in the city of Hebron.

Methodology: Using the descriptive comprehensive survey approach, through a questionnaire that was distributed to all community members, numbering 164 male and female managers in the city of Hebron, from which 159 were retrieved, and. Thus the study sample represents 96.9% of the study population.

Results: The results showed that the reality of administrative creativity among school principals in the city of Hebron was at a high level, as originality came in first place, second: the ability to analyze and relate, third: accepting of risk, fourth: focus of attention. fifth Fluency and intellectual flexibility, and sixth: sensitivity to problems.

The results showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the averages of administrative creativity among school principals in the city of Hebron according to the gender variable, while differences appeared according to the variable of years of experience in administrative work in favor of those with more than 10 years of experience.

Conclusion: The researcher recommended the continuation to enhance the culture of administrative creativity, and involving school principals in conferences and seminars.

Keywords: Administrative creativity, school principals, Hebron city.

Author Biography

Majdoleen Mazen Abu Sharkh, Arab American University

PhD student


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How to Cite

Abu Sharkh, M. M. (2024). The reality of administrative creativity among public school principals in the city of Hebron. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 15(44).

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