The role and challenges of school principals in enhancing community partnership from the point of view of parents’ councils in Bethlehem Governorate schools
Role, school principals, community partnership, parents’ councilsAbstract
Objectives: The study aimed to reveal the role and challenges of school principals in strengthening community partnership from the point of view of parents in Bethlehem governorate schools.
Methodology: The survey description approach was followed using a questionnaire consisting of 37 items. The study population comprised 166 members of parents' councils in public and private schools in Bethlehem governorate, and a stratified random sample was selected.
Results: Through the analysis of the collected data, the results showed that the role of school principals enhances community partnership, and the results of the hypotheses showed that there were no statistically significant differences at the level of statistical significance of .05 in the average role of school principals in strengthening community partnership attributed to the study variables. The result of the third question was moderate, as it was found that the most prominent challenges in strengthening this partnership are the large educational and administrative burdens placed on school principals.
Conclusion: Reducing the administrative and functional burdens on school principals and applying the proposed new structure by appointing two deputy directors, one administrative and the other technical.
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