Personal Traits of Educational Counselors Working in Public Schools and Their Relations with Self-efficacy in the Governorates of Salfit and Ramallah and al-Bireh


  • Manal Abdallah Saadeh Al-Quds Open University
  • Mohammad Ahmad Shaheen Al-Quds Open University



Personality traits, self-efficacy, educational counselor


Objectives: The current study aims to investigate the relation between personality traits and self-efficacy among educational counselors in the West Bank provinces. Additionally, it aims to examine the differences in the mean scores of personality traits and self-efficacy among the study sample based on the variables of gender and years of service.

Methodology: The study uses the descriptive-relational approach on an available sample of 126 male and female counselors. The results show that the arithmetic mean for the domain of neuroticism is 3.2, for the domain of extroversion is 4.07, and for the domain of openness to others is 3.77, all with a high rating. The average score for the study sample on the self-efficacy scale is 3.90, suggesting a high level of self-efficacy.

Results: The results also show a statistically significant relation between personality traits and self-efficacy from the perspective of the study sample, while there are no significant differences in personality traits and self-efficacy among educational counselors due to gender or years of service

Conclusion: The study recommends focusing on enhancing personality traits, developing positive thinking skills, and encouraging counselors to set personal and professional goals and plans to achieve them successfully. It also recommends promoting a positive attitude among educational counselors in dealing with current circumstances.

Author Biographies

Manal Abdallah Saadeh, Al-Quds Open University

PhD student

Mohammad Ahmad Shaheen, Al-Quds Open University



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How to Cite

Saadeh, M. A., & Shaheen, M. A. (2024). Personal Traits of Educational Counselors Working in Public Schools and Their Relations with Self-efficacy in the Governorates of Salfit and Ramallah and al-Bireh. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 15(44).

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