The Reality of Clinical Supervision and its Relationship to the Development of Teachers 'Performance from the Impression of Governmental Schools Principals in Palestine


  • Azmi Mustafa Abu Alhaj Al-Quds Open University
  • Samah Abdalsamee Sultan Applied Nour-ALHuda schools



Clinical supervision, developing teachers' performance


Objectives: The study aimed to reveal the reality of clinical supervision and its relationship to developing teachers' performance from the perspective of government school principals in Palestine.

Methodology: The study used the descriptive correlational approach and a random cluster sample of (170) male and female principals was selected, and a questionnaire was used as a tool for collecting data, and their validity and reliability were confirmed.

Results: The results showed that the reality of clinical supervision was high in the overall score and all areas, while the field (planning stage) was at an average level. The results also showed that the arithmetic mean of the study sample's estimates on the scale of developing teachers' performance as a whole was estimated at high. The results also indicated the existence of a statistically significant positive correlation between clinical supervision and developing teachers' performance. The results showed the existence of a statistically significant predictive ability for the field of clinical supervision reality in predicting the level of developing teachers' performance.

Conclusion: The study recommended that teachers should be given workshops and training courses in the field of planning by educational supervisors to increase their professional competence.

Author Biographies

Azmi Mustafa Abu Alhaj, Al-Quds Open University

Associate Professor

Samah Abdalsamee Sultan, Applied Nour-ALHuda schools



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How to Cite

Abu Alhaj, A. M., & Sultan, S. A. (2024). The Reality of Clinical Supervision and its Relationship to the Development of Teachers ’Performance from the Impression of Governmental Schools Principals in Palestine. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 15(45).

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