The Practice Level of Administrative Delegation Among Secondary School Principals in the Negev from the Point of View of Teachers


  • Nabil Jebreen Jondi Hebron university
  • Shefa Ali Hawashleh Hebron university



Practice, administrative delegation, principal, Negev educational area


Objectives: The study aimed to investigate the level of administrative delegation practices among secondary school principals in the Negev region from the perspective of teachers.

Methods: The study was conducted on 115 teachers who were selected randomly from Arab secondary schools in the Negev. The study adopted a descriptive approach, and a questionnaire was used as a data collection tool.

Results: The findings indicated that the level of administrative delegation by principals of Arab secondary schools in the Negev, as perceived by teachers, is moderate. Furthermore, the results revealed statistically significant differences in respondents' perceptions of the principals' delegation practices based on gender, in favor of males, educational qualification, in favor of higher qualifications, and years of experience in favor of long experience.

Conclusions: The study provided several recommendations, out of which the Ministry of Education have to sponsor and encourage principals to take administrative delegation, and to build their capabilities in the administrative field through in-service courses, and granting teachers the freedom to act independently during the delegation process, building competencies and skills in delegation, and giving full authority to the delegated teacher.

Author Biographies

Nabil Jebreen Jondi, Hebron university


Shefa Ali Hawashleh, Hebron university

PhD student


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How to Cite

Jondi, N. J., & Hawashleh, S. A. (2024). The Practice Level of Administrative Delegation Among Secondary School Principals in the Negev from the Point of View of Teachers. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 15(45).

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