The Policy of Omar bin al-Khattab –may Allah Bless him- toward Administrative Delegation: Analytical Vision and Applicable Forms


  • د. هيفاء فياض وراد فوارس جامعة اليرموك
  • أ. ليلى أبو السمن جامعة اليرموك


Administrative delegation, Omar Bin Al-Khattab


This study aims at illustrating the concept of administrative delegation and identifying its forms based on the policy of Omar bin al-Khattab - may Allah bless him- during his caliphate, following the analytical descriptive approach and the historical approach.

This study concluded that the administrative delegation can be defined as nominating an acting administrative staff member to partially or fully takeover a task to fulfill it under certain terms set by the administrator, who is still held responsible for that delegation.  Omar –may Allah bless him- was an excellent administrator who had leadership qualities that were reinforced by Sharia’s regulations.  He also used to delegate specific political and economic issues to those who possess the elements of the administrative process, namely: planning, organization, orientation and auditing. Therefore, he established an audit office where delegated staff was responsible for supervising the markets. Women participated in that job as well, yet in some cases, Omar himself participated in that task and used to check the markets

Author Biographies

د. هيفاء فياض وراد فوارس, جامعة اليرموك

أستاذ مساعد

أ. ليلى أبو السمن, جامعة اليرموك

طالبة دكتوراه



How to Cite

فوارس د. ه. ف. و., & أبو السمن أ. ل. (2018). The Policy of Omar bin al-Khattab –may Allah Bless him- toward Administrative Delegation: Analytical Vision and Applicable Forms. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 2(43). Retrieved from

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