The Role of the Social Media Sites in Enriching the Arabic Language- Facebook as a Prototype


  • د. فادي صقر عصيدة | Dr. Fadi Saqr Assida Birzeit University


Facebook, Linguistic Pages, Linguistic Post, Linguistic Interaction.


This research discusses the role Facebook plays in enriching the Arabic language and the interaction of the activists with the linguistics posts published on the site. The pages which are keen to use Arabic language, are considered an abundant source in disseminating the Arabic language at all levels. These pages reinforced the Arabic language as a main resource for the students and the researchers through several means and methods. In addition, these pages represent a great deal of interaction between the publisher and the reader. This research aims at manifesting the methods and the means which the publishers follow in showing the linguistic methods through this website, clarifying the linguistic subjects, and the methods which these posts manipulate. Moreover, it does not only manifest the characteristics which this published linguistic material is distinguished by, but it also discusses the role of the publisher and the recipient in this interaction and the changes which this post makes according to them. I want to indicate that the nature of this research necessitated me to follow the investigative approach which investigates these posts, and the analytical approach which analyzes the content of these posts. I want to indicate that this research has reached the following results: the diversity of the means and the ways publishers follow in the Arabic pages, and the diversity of the Arabic material to include at all levels. Finally, this published material has many distinctive traits which makes it of great interest and allows browsers to interact with these pages.


Author Biography

د. فادي صقر عصيدة | Dr. Fadi Saqr Assida, Birzeit University

أستاذ مساعد


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How to Cite

Dr. Fadi Saqr Assida د. ف. ص. ع. |. (2019). The Role of the Social Media Sites in Enriching the Arabic Language- Facebook as a Prototype. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 1(49). Retrieved from

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