Dramatization as a Depiction Tool of Palestinian Females in News Articles Headlines: Yedioth Harnath, as a Case Study


  • Nida Yousef Younis University of Manouba
  • Saloua Charfi Ben Youssef University of Manouba




dramatization, stereotypes, Orientalism, Visual depiction and portrayal


This study works on examining how dramatization stereotypes destroy the image of the Palestinian women in Yedioth Ahronoth‘s (Ynet) News Articles Headlines. Language has the ability to construct scenery codes that manipulate the perceptual environment of the recipients and is intensified as media dramatizes coverage. Drama has the power to depict subjects, strengthen ready-made interpretations, foster and amplify prejudices by anticipation and releasing anticipation.

Critical discourse analysis of 33 news articles headlines of the English-language Ynet news articles headlines on Facebook published from January 2016 to December 2016 showed that the newspaper dramatized the titles, tackling Palestinian females’ stories and negatively depicted them through. This unfolds into creating new realities and identities through amplification, simplification, contradiction, emotional amplification, and the change of form. Analysis also showed that dramatization possesses the authority to classify inferred through dramatic evidences that leads to a change in the shape of reality and negotiating it.

Author Biographies

Nida Yousef Younis, University of Manouba

PhD student\ University of Manouba\ Tunis

Saloua Charfi Ben Youssef, University of Manouba

Professor\ University of Manouba\ Tunis


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How to Cite

Younis, N. Y., & Ben Youssef, S. C. (2023). Dramatization as a Depiction Tool of Palestinian Females in News Articles Headlines: Yedioth Harnath, as a Case Study. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 5(62). https://doi.org/10.33977/0507-000-062-007

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