Imitation in the Details of Islamic law and its Effect on the Conditions of Prayers – A Practical Study


  • أ. إيمان هيثم حمّوش
  • د. تيسير برمو


Imitation, Islamic Fiqhi details, conditions of prayers, the talent of passing verdicts in Islamic law (Ijtihad, ), the Mujtahid,


Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, best blessing and perfect greeting

to Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, his family and his companions


As accomplishing the talent of passing verdicts in Islamic law (Ijtihad)

is unattainable to any one, since it requires extraction and free time, Shari’a,

out of its easiness, has commanded each adult according to his abilities.

Thus, it obliges both the layman and the Jurist (Mujtahid) to know the general

principles and the necessary basics of the religion, whereas it distinguishes Al

Mujtahid with the duty of giving verdicts in the rules of practical issues that

have been established via obligatory rules (less than Mutawattir) . Hence,

is it permissible for ordinary people to imitate the jurists concerning the

branches of the Jurisprudence?

Furthermore, the Mujtahid, himself, might not be able to give Ijtihad and

perhaps, for some reason, fails to achieve that; therefore, is it acceptable for

him to imitate other jurists too?

Moreover, what is the effect of these two cases in prayer’s conditions like

facing Al Kiblah and when it is time to prayer? These are what the paper in

hand will answer.



How to Cite

حمّوش أ. إ. ه., & برمو د. ت. (2017). Imitation in the Details of Islamic law and its Effect on the Conditions of Prayers – A Practical Study. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 2(30). Retrieved from

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